22 December 2009

Another curtain call

Yes everything is coming to an end for 2009, so im writing a few meters long of resolution lists! So guess what! Heck for those resolutions and what have i tick for those list? Never! Like i said, resolutions cost money! So my 2 millions of resolutions should only be seeking when im six feet under y'all. That when i have countless of time and money! Whoever is reading this, send me a stack of cheque book will ya?
So my recap for 2009 is just as blank as a piece of paper.. Nothing to fill and nothing to erase. Basically it's a very simple and pretty bedly down to earth life im having right now! But i have got plan for my new year eve! Coz im goona sit in front of my TV and finish my CSI: LAS VEGAS and sip into the ice wine with my loved one! Aint that more than enough just to keep the night simple and quiet!! Fireworks is just so not me. Counting down used to be my life, but im telling myself i should tone down bit by bit. And when everything is just so yesteryear, im gonna come out from my closet and start to recycle that life again!
As for Christmas, i might be somewhere having a bbq session, not that i really have to go! but since everyone is going, im so not gonna be a wet blanket here... And God i should stop filling myself with Cokes! I dont feel like dying of diabetes.....
Bet, it's time to stop and catching Avatar this Sunday! Or maybe not!?
Adieu...... Im going to sit back and enjoy the droplets for that window sipping my hot tea! *Yawn*

14 November 2009

Sweet Home Alabama...

Yes! The constant update is because i have so many free time left after waking up 6 A.M in the morning just to open up the door and wait for the maid to come clean the house... And for the good side of that, i get to breath in lotsa lotsa first hand fresh air in the morning! Good!

Im in the packing mode for my coming trips. Good eh? Usually me pack me things few days before, coz i'm inconsistent with my choice of clothes and shoes and things that i wanted to bring with me. So a few days in advance should allow me to pick the one i really want in that luggage!

*Yawn* and im hungry! A cup of breakfast tea is enough to kill my slumber dreamss, and an instant bee hoon is enough to save my growling stomach! And im all contented... Great! I think it's time to pack my luggage and yes i can hear the lil puppies crying for Pinky! Four pups to be exact! Never get a chance to look closer for the pups!

It's time to bid goodbye again! Will be right back after the commercial break, so stay tune!!!

13 November 2009

Missing in Action

Lost count the day i have been laze around and decided not to do anything about my baby blog. Zero excitement happened in my before life and now it's heading to November and i'm gonna tell y'all i've got so many plans with so little time!!! Firstly i 'll be back for a wedding then off to Sin City, Hk maybe, Taiwan maybe, KL maybe. Man! Friends from college had been urging me return for so long! And yet i missed her wedding and i felt and still sad bout it! Jean if u are not reading this i still have to say A BIG SORRY to you!!
Yeeehhaaaaaa!!!! Cant wait to see my sis ( coz she is having my dress with her :P) and parent!! And im happy bout that even in dreams im feeling hyper bout it!!
It's end of the year and X'mas is coming!! Too bad i dont get any White Winter X'mas this year like the year before!! Never mind bout that coz next trip i get to choose where i wanted to go!! And for that i have one place in me mind already!! And my dearest of all agree upon my request! if he never agree we gonna go there too, coz he has no choice to just bow down tio his QUEEN!! I'm the queen just for your information :PPPP
For the bad side when im back i will be missing my So You Think You Can Dance!!! I've got one favourite dance in that show, and it's just bad that i missed his name! A fantastic popper.... Should see the way he pop his way to LasVegas! Im impressed and after watching the show i felt so small.... Dancing anyone????
All right it's time to say goodbye for the day and im gonna eat my lunch and nap away my tired mind! Been waking up too early these days for the early breakkie and housewife duties!! :)

Last and never the least
Listen to these, they might be wee bit old but all good!
John Mayer- Slow Dancing in the Burning Room
The Fray-Never Say Never, Look After You
Maroon 5-Goodnight, Goodnight
Blue Foundation- Eyes On Fire
Iron & Wine- Flightless Bird
Rihanna-Russian Roulette

01 June 2009


Rise anh shine... I read back my blog recently and one thing i realize so much of mistakes hanging around there.. Hell must be the concentration you Nincompoop.... Duh!

The shipment is on the way.. Teehheee.. Im one hell of the happy one!

Im bored! Anyone any nice song? Songs songs songs... Over the weekend, i manage to catch Terminator Salvation.. Christian Bale is HOT!! i like him ever since who knows when.... But i remember watching him in one movie along side with ..... Shit! i forgot the name of the other actor.... My memory has gone wired! The name is familiar in my mind, i just cant remember it.. Shit have u ever have this kind of syndrome? I cracked my head but to no avail.... Shit i must have caught amnesia..... Those long hauled brain has no other way to cure no more... Help me! I must admit those Chemistry, Physics, Maths had a plan to ruin me life.. They killed me future, buried me live and lastly left me to dead.. And that's when everything met the dead end.. Hack! Do you know what's the purpose this post served for? NOTHING! Dont read or you will get infected with this killing disease that has currently listed as incurable.. And that's when you start singing and flagging "Let's get retarded!" Blame education... They ruined me! LOL
Sometimes i reckon we have to face the evils that lived inside and flying around us.. The more you run from it, the harder and longer time to recover from what we are trapped in... Nobody is perfect as always said.. Once bitten twice shy.. But who never got bitten before.. It's the experience that count.. Coz i know those who got bitten is always the strongest. I think we all learn a lot from our life.. Experience in life is priceless and valuable coz each of us is walking in a different pathes but i believe one day what we get is what we gained...
I think im getting crazy because of the waiting... Sigh.. The shipping part should be tommorow.. Cant wait to get my shoes! LALALlalalalalalala..
Spinning hot in Queen R's Club
Krazy(Fast &Furious 4) -Pitbull feat Lil Jon
Shooting Star -David Rush Feat Kevin Rudolf Feat Pitbull
Whatever you want-Nicole Sherzinger Feat T.I
Tuning off ! I do what i think you like....

25 May 2009

Lanvin.. I decided i love ya!

Oh boy! Im current love of coz none other than Lanvin! Hell! i love the Happy bag! Hell i love the small pouch! Hell i realized im in love with Balmain and Blumarine! Hell they have nice clothes! Hell the price is sky high! I love Brian Atwood's creation! Hell the shoes is just so candy!! And the moment im writing all this, i had one deal sealed! Damn! Those adrenalin rush is just so horrified!
I had weird dreams recently, i dream bout people i barely know or people that we can only read them on newspaper... and the next thing, they appearred in news.. Gosh! Is that a prophecy?... Am i goin to be an oracle like those seen in Matrix when i get handsome guy come see me to just tell how the world is going to change if he believe he is the one... Lol! Anyway.. It's just a coincidence i guess... And now im sourcing out something nicer for myself... Busy Busy Busy!

25 April 2009

Burning Hot!

Yikes! Throw me some snowballsss.... The sun is melting me! and every inch of my skin! Damn! I hate the weather right now.. Endless headache, endless sweating, endless cold drink... Everything cold is endless for me right now... And my horny dogs got pregnant during this time round shall cause trouble to those strangers.. Cause they patience and temper is at risking high. They used to chase and bark those bikers.. Teehee it's yet very funny by just watching those dog charged towards them...
Im waiting for other batch of new pups.. Think the arrival of those pups to this heating earth will be very soon.. Pinky's bulging belly is the living prove.. She can hardly squuze in those gap she used to come in to the house now.. Poor her..
Think that's it for today.. the shit-tuation i'm in right now force me to stop thinking.. Massive headache attacking every single nerve i have..
Cold drinks and ice cream time i guess.. and lastly some Astrud Gillberto to chill the heating day away.... " Ba Da Ba da da Ba Da ba da da ba ba..Fly me to the moon and let me play among the star.. Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars..." Gosh still feel warm like hell! Adios!

17 April 2009

A Peace of Mind

Darn! Im was pissed after some conversation... Im like talking to a cow or thin air.. If you have deciced what you want just go for it and no question ask! If you're always saying this and that , worry this and that, thinking this and that, dreaming this and that then my suggestion drop the case. If everyine else is supporting you to do something all the way dont doubt the effort and dont doubt your own ability.. Coz i believe one day, you will come out from the cave and save the world.. You know it;s hard when you start a conversation with someone and they trying to talk nicely to you and you start being rude and just puffed offline you go? And then that's when you start thinking. talking to yourself saying everyone has the bad impression bout you and oh that sucks!
I dont understand why the right message is always being misinterpreted.. And that's when all the good things turn sour! That's sucks double! Ranting post! If you reading this or you dont read this... I hope some day your mind is clear enough and think and digest others opinion in a positive way... Some words might hurt, but they wont scar....

02 April 2009


Here again.. It's really been a while!!!! a while!! Hmmm.... Everything that happened in a second or minutes in others live is equal to a year for me! Know why? Coz im bored til dead... And i got nothing for myself to gain besides weight and piles of piles of boredom... Bored=lazy=procastination... And trust me by the end of the day im dead and gone!

But there again i watched hell lots of dvd recently to kill times...

I was told that im one of the person who lives in their own world the other day.. And my first reaction was... LOL a.k.a Laugh Out Loud. Who doesn't live in their own world? Oh boy! You must be enjoy living under the shadow of someone else ain't it! Funny! Funny! Funny! It's really a good thing to laugh away.. And it's better if i can laugh in front of her.. Because in my eyes, her pea brain did made out lots of jokes that she thought were her words of wisdom.. Little does she know that she is not even a pinch of salt... Poor thing! Never worth mention!

Ease of mind.... Inhale... Exhale.. Inhale... Exhale.. Good job. And mind you im addicted to Claude Debussy thanks to Edward Cullen... Robert Pattinson was an eye candy when he acted in Harry Porter as Cedric Diggory and now turning into the pale skin Vampy Edward Cullen is getting more interesting!!! Cant wait for the Twilight saga: New Moon!!
Hot tunes- This is why I Rock- Mims Feat Purple Pop Corn
Right Round - Flo Rida Feat Kesha
Random! Just to scare your ass off!

23 January 2009

Dream a lil dream of me

Off to Jakarta tommorow... More update after the forth day of CNY.. Til then... Bear in mind dream a lil dream of me

More Hokkaido

22 January 2009

Prosperous Year ahead y'all chinese nation

Wow i just checked 3 entry for the previous month.. And this is the very first entry after the long passed year of 2009. Shame on you Racheal! Shame!
Anyway.. New year for the chinese nation is approaching and im off to Jakarta! Excited? Not at all.. i rather head back to where i belong! Anyway venturing a new place is always as happy as jolly bean.. am i worng? Maybe there will be photos and more photos to share.. but depend me mode... And i realize that chances for me to cam whore nowadays are as little as dust...
That reminds me of old age creeping in and killing my self-admiring habit . What a pity! But i guess after the lecturing of the other side of me ( you can see another side of you too from the mirror, the only things is that both of you share the same conversation) never mind of im confusing you...
Back to my conversation.. Rae! Im really one of the lazy ass... and now im spend most me time as a full time potato couch.... But guess im gonna make my effort to come and update my e-life in this e-circle more often! Hehe

Okie... Enough of speaking and now im gonna start packing me luggage again!