17 April 2009

A Peace of Mind

Darn! Im was pissed after some conversation... Im like talking to a cow or thin air.. If you have deciced what you want just go for it and no question ask! If you're always saying this and that , worry this and that, thinking this and that, dreaming this and that then my suggestion drop the case. If everyine else is supporting you to do something all the way dont doubt the effort and dont doubt your own ability.. Coz i believe one day, you will come out from the cave and save the world.. You know it;s hard when you start a conversation with someone and they trying to talk nicely to you and you start being rude and just puffed offline you go? And then that's when you start thinking. talking to yourself saying everyone has the bad impression bout you and oh that sucks!
I dont understand why the right message is always being misinterpreted.. And that's when all the good things turn sour! That's sucks double! Ranting post! If you reading this or you dont read this... I hope some day your mind is clear enough and think and digest others opinion in a positive way... Some words might hurt, but they wont scar....

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