22 January 2009

Prosperous Year ahead y'all chinese nation

Wow i just checked 3 entry for the previous month.. And this is the very first entry after the long passed year of 2009. Shame on you Racheal! Shame!
Anyway.. New year for the chinese nation is approaching and im off to Jakarta! Excited? Not at all.. i rather head back to where i belong! Anyway venturing a new place is always as happy as jolly bean.. am i worng? Maybe there will be photos and more photos to share.. but depend me mode... And i realize that chances for me to cam whore nowadays are as little as dust...
That reminds me of old age creeping in and killing my self-admiring habit . What a pity! But i guess after the lecturing of the other side of me ( you can see another side of you too from the mirror, the only things is that both of you share the same conversation) never mind of im confusing you...
Back to my conversation.. Rae! Im really one of the lazy ass... and now im spend most me time as a full time potato couch.... But guess im gonna make my effort to come and update my e-life in this e-circle more often! Hehe

Okie... Enough of speaking and now im gonna start packing me luggage again!

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