01 June 2009


Rise anh shine... I read back my blog recently and one thing i realize so much of mistakes hanging around there.. Hell must be the concentration you Nincompoop.... Duh!

The shipment is on the way.. Teehheee.. Im one hell of the happy one!

Im bored! Anyone any nice song? Songs songs songs... Over the weekend, i manage to catch Terminator Salvation.. Christian Bale is HOT!! i like him ever since who knows when.... But i remember watching him in one movie along side with ..... Shit! i forgot the name of the other actor.... My memory has gone wired! The name is familiar in my mind, i just cant remember it.. Shit have u ever have this kind of syndrome? I cracked my head but to no avail.... Shit i must have caught amnesia..... Those long hauled brain has no other way to cure no more... Help me! I must admit those Chemistry, Physics, Maths had a plan to ruin me life.. They killed me future, buried me live and lastly left me to dead.. And that's when everything met the dead end.. Hack! Do you know what's the purpose this post served for? NOTHING! Dont read or you will get infected with this killing disease that has currently listed as incurable.. And that's when you start singing and flagging "Let's get retarded!" Blame education... They ruined me! LOL
Sometimes i reckon we have to face the evils that lived inside and flying around us.. The more you run from it, the harder and longer time to recover from what we are trapped in... Nobody is perfect as always said.. Once bitten twice shy.. But who never got bitten before.. It's the experience that count.. Coz i know those who got bitten is always the strongest. I think we all learn a lot from our life.. Experience in life is priceless and valuable coz each of us is walking in a different pathes but i believe one day what we get is what we gained...
I think im getting crazy because of the waiting... Sigh.. The shipping part should be tommorow.. Cant wait to get my shoes! LALALlalalalalalala..
Spinning hot in Queen R's Club
Krazy(Fast &Furious 4) -Pitbull feat Lil Jon
Shooting Star -David Rush Feat Kevin Rudolf Feat Pitbull
Whatever you want-Nicole Sherzinger Feat T.I
Tuning off ! I do what i think you like....

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