13 April 2011


When the clock strike 00:00am, 15th of March is the day when the most painful moment i have ever encountered! First water broke i thought how come i wee wee on my own pants and the wee wet the whole pants! Okay just a wee i told myself. Changed the pants and went back to sleep on the floor with the yoga mat because i thought it might come again ( felt there were an urge of urine coming out ). I was right again pants went wet. This time i knew it wasn't wee wee. It was the water that broke and my temporary tenant decided to move out from the comfort zone! The flood came so i was forced to check in to the hospital!
Now, the nurse checked my blood pleasure and search for the heart beat of who is going to come out after nine months of sucking all the energy, minerals, vitamin, you name it, it's all in her now! Yes the heart beat! That was the first time i heard her heart beating like 100 plus time per min! Isn't it strange! Nine months of a living thing staying in your tummy!
That time, this was in my mind! Dear tenant please dont take your own sweet time to come out!
1:00am, still no contraction but the lliquid is still leaking and with some blood! Nurse said :" Excuse me and sorry" because she needs to lay her hand on the most private part of me and dig into it to check the tearing!
No worries no pain! Just a lil discomfort! Okay only 1cm! Huh??!! So exactly how many CM to go before i can go into labor stage? The answer.... another 9cm and you are a free woman! *fainted*
Two hours later, the contraction  said hi to me! The pain wasn't that much! It's like mild menstrual pain. The nurse said six hours later if the contraction never get worse she has to inject something to force the tenant to move out! How funny!
4:00am, the contraction went from bad to worse! Yucks it's not just a menstrual  pain anymore! The pain is not in any description list! Excruciating? No! More than that! I almost torn my husband's hand into two!
6:00 am the pain went from sweet to sour and now to smelly! Worst ever in my life! This kind of torturing pain took the two hours life from me!
8:00am at last the urge of pushing with the pain! My husband said he was there like watching me getting kill and tortured! Yes! I shouted but never cursed but almost there! I wanted to cry, guess i'm too busy to even shed a tears or should i said the energy has been shifted to the waist and below!
Yes by 8 something, the tenant named Mikaela is out to say "Hello World" with her thunderous cry! Phew! I felt a relief  and happy! Finally everything is out!
I am a stupid girl! Before everything above, i always think that stitching pain is the scariest part! But not that!
The moment i was pushed out from the labor room, i felt so proud of myself and happy!!
And now im a mother to my one month old Mikaela!!!
Meow Meow!!

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