13 April 2011


Dear Cow,
I understand your feeling very well now! Being squeezed and pulled! Luckily as human, we only get sucked and bite sometimes ( No worries again, baby without any teeth or tooth won't cause much pain)
15th of March,
Being push out from the labor room, once again i have to said i felt proud and happy! I have conquered the pain and maybe next time i will be giving birth naturally again if i'm planning to have another baby! Back to the subject, pushed back to my room, the baby is not there yet. She is taking her first bath. There, i was too excited and called my mum a thousand time she never picked up the phone! Finally she called back and the first thing she told me was she can only MSN me later! Clearly, she never saw the SMS i sent her during midnight and morning. I told her i just gave birth. Her first reaction " Are you kidding?!"  Second reaction " Dont lie to me!"
After she reagain her clear mind, i told her again i just gave birth! She asked me"How come you sounded so energetic?" My answer: I just came back from a battle with my victory mood! That's why im so awake and excited! Then we talk a bit and hang up coz the baby is here!
The nurse told me that i can started my breastfeed  so that there is a bonding between the baby and me! Yes at fisrt i was so excited to try out! Guess what!? Whenever i try to feed her, she will only suck for a while! First attempt is always the hardest! Because you need to find the right position on the right time. The struggling was all sweat and blood to get it right!
There came the second problem, my milk flow hasn't arrived!! I tried hot towel under the armpit! Tried pumping them and the result was so bad! Only a few drops came out! So i started to worried! But not to worry, cause the flow eventually came in the forth day! As for the rest of the days, don't let your milk wet your bed! Now im happily lactating my baby! Enjoy yours too!

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