08 March 2011


So the soon-to-be grandma likes to check on the chinese calendar to see which is the auspicious day, so that i can move out from my planet. Because she don't want me to be stuck in the situation like, the wrong place the right time, or the right place the wrong time. She think the right place and the right time is the most perfect timing. That's what my landlady think so too! Too bad they are not the decision maker for this time! Neither am i. Well, fingerss cross, grandma checked 15th-Mrach-2011 is the best time to move out. So we shall see!!!
And soon-to-be grandpa seems very excited too! He called, talk to the landlady about me. I can hear it from my room!! The lullaby ringtone which the landlady is using now soothes my mood. I can't wait to see the real world, the oxygen world, where i can breath on my own, i can eat on my own ( not through the connected pipe like now), i can see all the colors with my eyes, i can cry out like where everybody can hear me ( not like now! Nobody can hear me cry. The most is where the landlady can feel my hiccups).
Oh world! Prepare to welcome me! The new tenant without a proper name! Sing to me and let me smile!!

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