29 October 2008

Thinking and thinking

I used to writing and rant whatever i like at my previous blog. And by the time i referred back all the words and they are sounded funny and the rythmn of the combination is pretty weird but i like it that way and best of all if no one understand them at all.
Yes if you asked me "Why do you choose to write online then?" If you gonna put your life on the cyber space of coz you intend to let people know bout what are you writing. " Of coz!" "Of coz!" But who are we to understand others while we are still trying to understand our own path and some may still having doubt on which path to die for? :P
And nowadays i realize Friendster's blog section have improved their tools and function. Easy application easy life. But now im stuck in between dreams and life. Hmm.. when everything is settled im gonna give you the story of what's the dreams that im trying to achieve. Though is nothing big, but it's a pain in my neck while thinking bout it? Hmmmpphh... Calming my angry soul!

23 October 2008


I watched the whole process of before, in the middle, and the after birth... The pain that kept the mum uneasy.. and she even puke twice before she gave birth and it's all normal... She gave birth two puppies and two hours later or so thethird one came out! Amazing! At first, i thought it's gonna be two pups. When i woke up the next morning, teeeheee there were three of them... And now their mum is weaving them.. How lovely! And this is a brand new experience for me! So lovely! And they are as small as new born kitten! Fragile and weak.. And now im waiting them to grow and i have pups to play with again!

Random Moment