26 September 2008

Moon River

Hmmphhhh... Indulging myself with all the downloaded pieces..

Danger! Danger! High Voltage! When we touch, when we kiss!

List of songs that filled up the Oxygen Space of mine

1. El Impacto- Daddy Yankee Feat Fergie
2. Danger! High Voltage- Electric Six
3. Never Met A Girl Like U Before- Edwyn Collins
4. Live Your Life- tI. feat Rihanna
5. Heaven Sent- Keisha Cole
6. Clap Back-Ja Rule Feat Jay Z Styles ( So OutDated)
7. If Looks Could Kill- Camera Obscura
8. When I Grow Up- PCD ( Dolls Domination :P)
9. Keeps Getting Better- Christina Aguilera ( So so... Anyway that's her new release song)

Britney's Womanizer coming out on the 26 Sept.. Stay tune and be the first to ear it!

16 September 2008


Long last! Im lazy to write same thing all over again and basically my span of life will be shorter and shorter as days blow by.. Eat-Sleep-Eat-Nap-Eat-Sleep. That's the basic living life of a turbulence past of me. Bleah! if anyone will die fisrt in this very minute it will be me! Argh!

Let's talk bout something before im dying of Bored-tox! Im doing Pilates since the last two weeks. That's because im tad bored that i decided to do something filling my watching the finger nails grow life. Ha! To my surprise they do sell those work out DVD here. Funny! U can get everything form Pilates, Yoga to Tai-chi! And hey even those dirty dance work out! *evil grin* that's when Pilates caught my eyes! Purchased and kick my Big S with those work out and miraculously it works cause the title of the DVD said Inch Loss Pilates Teeheee... Not that there is no finess center here. There is! Just that i cant communicate with them and they wont understand me so i dont wanna waste my time bout the talking in the air while everyone is scratching their skull off. Geddit?

My sis has a training at Oct/Nov at HK. Am so tempted and damn tempted to go! I wanna get some different air besides here!!
Currently blasting my ears with Faye Wong!!!!! I loved her before and now im still so in love with her songs! Do you think some day she will come out with a new album for good? I miss her voice duh!

Anyone know the movie -Jack the Bear- 1993 ( my sis kept on insisting that we watched together before but my memory doesn't said so.)