17 August 2008

Sudden Death of Enchanting

Olympics has been keeping my life schedule busy lately. Wonderful competition from wonderful souls around the world. This morning, i thought i might have my heart pumping a thousand hits per second when i thought Liu Xiang 110m men huddler former athens' champion will once again bring the glory to China.... Guess what?! Due to injury he quited after a foul start by one runner... For that very moment the enchanting victory from the crowd died with it. Sad! Sad!

On other hand, Michael Phelps... Bleah!! 14th gold for his Olympics Journey.. History in the making... You know his name will be written in the record for those who won the most gold throughout his/her participation in the Olympics Games that had been held. Amazing!

That's all to keep the blog alive before it's dead! Ciao....