24 July 2008

Shine on You crazy diamond

Shame on me. It's almost the end of july and i have done nothing bout the blog. Practically it's because of no glory me achieved in my july's life. But i have been putting more green at my house to save the global warming. As you know a little effort of each one in this planet will make so much different.
Just finished watching Al Gore's biography and what he did is always ahead of any leader. As much as i prefer Bill Clinton than that stupid beat around the Bush... Al Gore is actually the wise man of left and right of Bill Clinton! How inpressive! Unfortunately, his son doesn't take him as an example! Involved in drug, speeding along the road... Sigh!
Anyway change of plan! My trip to the Rising Sun will be on December... Im happy of it because i can dilute meself in the different christmas celebration at the different place! Cant wait!!!
Arcghhh.. Stomach cramp due to the zome of monthly discomfort!
Time ro cease the pain... ZZzzzzZZZ