30 June 2008

Less interested

Gawd! Procastination is always my worst nightmare... Who would have thought im still alive or what! Hmm.. as im getting older day by day, minute by minute, second by second, interest of the young age is getting tasteless and tasteless... Fruitless! Im lazy to explore my facebook account, im lazy to clean up my act ( do i have one?), im lazy to upload my pictures and lazy of this or that.. blablabla... SO LAZY!

Or maybe i am just distracted by something?

By this




The read is worth a big hearty laugh.... Dont believe? Give it a try!

10 June 2008

Jet Set

YuuHuuu.... disconeection of this week from here coz im going for a turbulence shopping for this crazy shopping season... To ease my pain of losing the so many sleepless night on the bed thinking what to get! Slurp Slurp! This lure oi a bad thing! So bad! Oh Gosh! I have dozen of things to get! Leaving tomorrow! Cant wait! cant wait! Til then more updates will be done when im back here!

News update:
-Jessica Alba and Tori Spelling both gave birth to baby girls
-Ashlee Simpson is pregnant though all the while Pete Wentz and Ash denied in the first place.
-John Woo's Stunt man reported dead after performing a fire scene stunt and was only 23.
Sad to hear that!
Last but not least! C. Ronaldo *drools*. Pepe! (Brazilian turned Portugese if im not wrong) Bravo! But Poor Italians our former World Cup Champion lost 3-0 to the Orange team! Last night i never finished Spain Vs Russia. The last result i know was 2-0 before i crash my bed... Okie i talk too much today! Wish me an enjoyable trip and get what i want!

05 June 2008

Old Skool

LOL! My gosh im getting freaking old! Despite of all the small things that i tend to forget bout it in three seconds, Color Me Badd suddenly popped out from my head!!!!! It's like last last century kinda song that now nobody listen to...Think it's was the song that i spend my youth on! Ggaga... 15 years back! Oh my god cant believe it!!!!

I think most of you wont have any idea bout it... Ha! Last time it's either rock & roll or those boy bands.. You know im the devil's that fall in between. Cant deny that some of they boy bands songs were nice back then. If only i kept on tune in to those rock & roll, and hey there goes the house lting flat on the earth.

The only song i like about it was The earth, the sun, the rain by Color Me Badd!! Not that bad though.... Time to nap... Not sleeping well since Pinky howled for the whole night.. For wat? Wait let me go and ask her... ZzzzzZZZZ

04 June 2008

Cold Play

Argh.. The urge of addiction of--Coldplay --suddenly is in the rush of my adrenaline. I always love the emo+depression+sorrow kind of voice. They made the sky turned grey and the world slow down... Yet i have another sad news which is kinda shocking to me that the Fatso died few days ago. Poor honey! R.I.P
More photos update soon when i come back from the other side of the world!

Tips of the day..To increase the rush of blood to your whole body which i mean is to own an cheeks as red as an apple drink this wolfberries + red dates boiling them til the dates is soften. to obtain good result, be a frequent drinker. By the way using Pear( Yellow and with freckles on the skin) , rock sugar, and red dates ( must slow cook for at least one and the half hour) can improve blood circulation too and good skin result. Dont ask! Yes! Drink frequently too!

P/S: My flop is back the other day... We found it right in front of the door... Weird! Logical thinking, must be the other puppy found it and bring back for me cause i love all of them so much! The unlogical thinking.... Nah! Dont even dare to tell me bout those creepy thing!