28 May 2008

Once Again

Arghh... Im this painful lazy ass that needs a kick to move like a cow... Gosh! Procrastination is also part of my job description. Actually i have tones of photos to upload just plain plain plain lazy to do so. Y am i like that? I wonder too...
On a brighter side.. the puppies are growing heathily.. The fat one grower fatter and the cute one grow as adorable as ever.. they charmed my heart. But i on my eruption mode the other day coz the fatso ass bit and hide away my right sided flip!! You know that flip flop is my companion of walking ages ago!! and the best part is now i have lost the flip and left flop alone for the rest of the life!
And now, whenever i saw that fatso i will forbid him to eat the food not until im due with him... GrrrrRRR.. Roar!! And just yesterday he went to disturb the pot that has a baby plant in it! What should i do? and what've i done?? If you wondering... Yes i hit him heard on the butt with my remaining flop! Stupid ass!

Next highlight news of the day

Jamie Lynn Spears is gonna pop her baby out soon... Ouchie by the way she is only 17.
Shania twain got divorced.
Jessica Alba is married to Cash Warren recently and she is gonna due soon with her big belly..

Last but not least... I read about how cucumber can used as whitening source for the skin of eat often plus it can help to moisture the skin too....

16 May 2008

Butt of the day

Ever wonder why everyone else have a better butt while some are almost dragging on the floor? I wonder too... I tries zillions of zillions ways to get into the tight one and i think this one is not as bad. All you have to do is pretty easy though

Actually you can do it anywhere and almost anytime. While you doin housework, while you having your bath, while you waiting for bus/train, while you working (wicked) in any standing position use one minute to hold your butt tight as in tight till you can feel the muscle is squeezing each others. Spare your one minute for every 30 minutes of it. And now a little effort will makes a different.
All hail to Rachael... Brilliant isn't it? :p
Yeah im gonna change my jukebox into something i love the most!
Till then!
p/s: A quickie for those who are lazy to maintain good skin while you are willing to pay up visit thisweb for own reference--- www.tlclifestyles.com

15 May 2008

Serve you right

Every personal blog serve their own purpose.. Some about their life, some about international gossips, some about nothing at all. So the last category goes to me blog. I just have nothing to talk about at all time.. Probably everyone has a blog and i wanted to be part of the social trend as well. Hey why be the last to catch up the trend right? Luckily im still on track or am i?
I have finally decided how my blog gonna serve it on the table. Im gonna turn this extremely dull thing into something better.. Yes im gonna talk about " What you eat is what you are". At least i have my reason to maintain this blog and not to let in rot. You can find all the food facts and nutri for your own information, nevertheless food and fruits that can change your skin into a better way.. plus how to maintain good weight. Not that i have a good shape or what.. Just to share the info so that you dont have to search here and there for extra info..
So starting from tomorrow then i shall be serving the fresh hotcake at the table near you... ;)

12 May 2008

Gain one , Lose One or can i have both?

He! What have i gained? Yeah a Dick! Credit goes to Rae... She gave me a dick yesterday and my having it now coz of her kindness! And now i have double my time to visits the toilet more than anyone else.. LOL! Anyway since yesterday she gave me that dick.. I started to grow facial hair on my chin.. And now i have to shave my chin, my underarms and my legs! More work to be done and again thanks to her! :D
Time to check my Jelly-O- Jelly..

09 May 2008


I dont know wat does my title stand.. Probably boredom makes you look stupid.. Alrgiht here comes another day!

Gosh my skin care almost dunzo.... Thought of changing to something else.. im not brand loyal person.. Only particular brands does stay at my heart! I heartsssss Topshop! :) I heartsssss Dior!! :) I heartsss Loewe!! :) I love Maxstudio!! Hehe

Time to ease my emptiness..... Hmmmphhhhhh

04 May 2008

Sunshy kiss, Sunsad Miss

Like the Mmmmooon Sparkle...lalallalalaalala... Ha! Yeap non other than the Escada theme song for the perfume and it's sung by the three models that appeared in the ad... The opening it's kinda like those video games that we used to play back then... Cute and soothing though! A good song when you are in a bad shape perhaps.

As for the second track, Confusion from the " Blade" soundtrack where this was played during the underground club and killing happened right there... Osh.... i like that scene! Handsomely done! Perfectly fit!

Now i have more movie to watch! Gonna spot the nice Eh music!

02 May 2008

Good Morning, sunshy kiss

Funny things struck me mind when i was half way to the stardom of being a bathroom singer.
Ahemm.... Ok back to the point! There was THIS women, married women i mean *whispering* but she always insisted on telling other ppl to be particular MEN that she is still a GIRL if u get wat i mean.. o.O
Hey married women if you are reading my thing now and the description matched your identity, ya it's you... Spell your name you EVIL!
Once ever told that befriend only with those rich and famous.. See maybe she got the point! Coz im once a very poor soul that i have to wait til every Wednesday of the week to get in a club so that im waived with any charges including the liquid that flows for free all night long! How funny and sacarstic that i ended up poorer and unfamous! Tell me y? How bad is her theory and how bad is her taste of idea..
Anyway i never bothered bout those rich and famous idea, coz my idea is much more brutal and realistic thea her.. The drink in the glass is, the rhythem floating in the thin air is ALWAYS that matters to me. Money drools every fool, not everyone.
Im venting it just out if thought and my last breath... *Scoffs* All right! Im have to deal with my empty stomach now.. Adios!
P/S: A rich man always needed a constant tragedy to remind how he was once a poor man