29 April 2008

Happy Burpday to Moi

Fatso and Puffy kissing each other.. Gosh! They are gay

One of the favourite... He is so puffy!

He's got that coolio look.. Nope he is just staring at the cam not me....
Though today is my B'day but something special for this time... So special that im sitting here typing like an ordinary day... WAT SO SPECIAL! *yawn*
P/S: Almost forget the pups doesn't belong to me... They always wandering around the house and entertained me so much that i decided to take them as my God Pups... Yeah i managed to take three of them only coz the other two were on their way coming when my cam ran out of batt... Their mummy's name ==== PINKY!!! I never see any pink side of her by the way....



27 April 2008

Heartily Bloom

This will be the starting point.. Isn't he cuteeeeewwww!!!! Not to forget that he owned a wavy fur!! Teehhhee you can never imagne how cuddly he is... Fluffy!

Grrrr.. supposingly more photo but... This stone age connection making me pissing like i never pee for so long! Damn pisss!! Oh by the way there are five pups surrounding me now.... Too bad this morning i heard a loud cried... One of the pup got knock down high... O.o
Hope he is fine now.... Wait! My time to assassinate the one who knock him down...

22 April 2008

Four minutes to save the world

We only got four minutes to save world... Y four not three?? or Five? That's one the recent new pop from Maddie Feat Justin. And the other song that trapped my soul for at least an hour was Usher.... Love in the club. Typical R&B i thought.. But the rhyme is very catchy. Ewww.... i dont have any noce story to tell today...
Gonna go make ice-cream as in the ice cream that can be eat by human... Not the other way round!

20 April 2008


Woot! Im alive!! I had survived the trip to The Jungle full of human eater... Anyway i manage to taste most of the delicious yummy food out there! Morning call for breakfast! Maybe shorter post coming out soon....

13 April 2008

Back to basic

Yeah... Im gonna *puff* from the surface of this wired world for a while.. Back to basic! You know to the jingle jungle that you cant even find a single telephone booth..For a few days y'all know.. If somehow no updates in one months time means i am already a meal for those Mountain Freaks. Uhhh~~~ scary!

Shit im gonna feed myself a luxury breakfast before im dying without a proper meal... Hungry time!

10 April 2008


Who would have thought
That you could hurt me
The way you've done it?
So deliberate, so determined

And since you have been gone
I bite my nails for days and hours
And question my own questions on and on

So tell me now, tell me no
Why you're so far away
When I'm still so close

You don't even know the meaning of the words “I'm sorry”
You said you would love me until you die
And as far as I know you're still alive, baby
You don't even know the meaning of the words “I'm sorry”
I'm starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart

I tried so hard to be attentive
To all you wanted
Always supportive, always patient
What did I do wrong?I'm wondering for days and hours

Anyhow, anyhow
I wish you both all the best
I hope you get along

But you don't even know the meaning of the words “I'm sorry”
You said you would love me until you die
And as far as I know you're still alive, baby
You don't even know the meaning of the words “I'm sorry”
I'm starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart

You don't even know the meaning of the words “I'm sorry”
You said you would love me until you die
And as far as I know you're still alive, baby
You don't even know the meaning of the words “I'm sorry”
I'm starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart

Open heart
Open heart
It should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart
It's here, it isn't here where you belong

Hmmm... Utterly and almost perfect for some situation.. Illegal to deceive someone's heart... Have u been deceiving or deceived? Anyway whoever reading here never been deceived or deceiving? Guess we know the best of ourselves...
Awww... I fall in love wiht this super sorrow and sad song...

Hit for the rest of the day--- Illegal
Wanna know the singer ha! Holler me... LOL!

07 April 2008

Sheet Hole

Knew that someday gonna trap at those stupid and boring sacrificial issue.. What have i not sacrifice? My Job, my used to be beautiful life out there to venture into this only Mr Bored knows why place. Should have told them straight to the face that i already have something stupid enough and im not gonna change it to something more stupid than that! Phew..Wat a PISS!!!
Never mind bout it... Im gonna stand firm and nothing is gonna change the piece of shit in my head!
Hot ! Ewww... Hitting the boiling point of mine! Disgusting creature!

Wait for the Happy updates soon...

03 April 2008

Too little too late

Damn! Have been repeating the same song for the whole day... Should i say whole week? That's the habit talking.
Kakkkakakakaka... That is this one day that i decided to make some fried ice cream to serve the family four. Thefri ice cream is actually not a hard task but th wapping part. Argh.. too bad they were all in the flushed away from the hoe toilet.. or else im gonna take some photos and showed it. From there you can tell how hard the ice creams wrapped with bread were! But my poor in laws thought i had finished doing it and started to chew the "OH-SO-HARD" ice cream! Gosh i really pity them!
I found out the other day coz thought of frying them due to the heating day. Opened the fridge: " Oppies Dassie!" Who punked my unfinish work of ice creams! From there i got to know hey thought is done and actually it;s tasted ok coz it's not so sweet to eat like that... "Poooo.. Ibursted into tears ( Of coz not i front of them) Later on my hus asked "em.. Aint that very hard to chew and bite? Their answer were--- Ya i't's hard! But you see it's hot outsie..... LOL! I fel sorry now that every time i see ice cream and breads *giggle*.....
They are just so funny....
Yahooo... Im going to visit the Land of the Rising Sin.. And of coz get what im supposed to get after all the sense of longing had shattered pieces and pieces inside my head... not forget pay a lil visit to my darlings there... Phew...

"Im not the women you love coz you wont let me wait even for a sec."
" Im not the women you love coz you tell me all your secrets."
"Im not the women you love but the mate to share your burden."

01 April 2008

Just To tell

Okay after few tries....
Taddaaaaa.... my icons all has been changed to English.. Hmm... guess im the slow pace animal.
Oh by the way y my brother aint in the potrait of family?? Coz he so wanted to come that he over slept.. hey just kidding.... He was busying with his seriously important exam...

Save some of my thoughts for the next coming episods... Ciao!!

Sunny day

Due to hot weather caused laziness in my bone... The lukewarm attitude is here! Now let me post some leftovers while i had editted through out this morning ( editting as in cropping only...hehehe that one costed me a morning, am i stupid or wat) Okay less talk more work..

For my own pleasure..... Wil be back