27 March 2008

Vainbow on the loose

Another cheers in my life... Finally after tonnes of tonnes blogs that i have created i decided to stay and be obedient to this. Hopefully the everything goes well so that i wouldn't get bored of it. Phew been squuezing my pea brain to get the name and everything. Here borned the "Vainbow". Actually suppose to be "Rainbow" since it's playing hard to get so Vain cut her queue. As for the title appear... Gosh it's will be too long for myself to even remember it! The shorter the better.

It's been months i lost touched with the working society. Here comes the Missy Bored knocking at my heart shaped door. Aww... but i was busying preparing to walking into the other stage of my life with the one i care and the one he loves.. As what i always believe, a beginning of every rainbow is the end of every sweet misery. You know sweet misery is always the difficult one... eefing sweet yet miserable. Ain't right? Okay forget bout the half sweet half bitter symphony... Just want to keep myself fully entertain...

Okay just to cure the hunger for the time being...More to come upon request... :P

P/S: I have no the freaking idea why my icon appeared to be in Malay... probably im in the muslim country... *Fainted*