31 December 2008

16 December 2008

Silent Weeks

Last minute check! All up! Including my travelling partner.. Two partners im saying... Bringinb them to see the world.. Actually not the world just a small part of the world! Teeheee.. they must be so excited that they sit up right on the bed the whole night! But too bad i need to give up the big one. So she will be alone for the coming weeks incuding christmas! Sad???!!! I bet she is!!! Last post before christmas is hitting! But im gonna make it before New Year! So more updates before the year closed with the last chapter!

13 December 2008

Dream a lil dream of me

Holla... The untouched is left untouched, what remain will be the old dust. Yes im taking my weeks off from this coming Wednesday. Aye! talking as if im working and having my leaves.. :P But im happy! Cause a very fine and white christmas is waiting for me! Im gonna stick my tongue out and taste the Snow of the Festive Season....
Till then im gonna update lots and lots of photos!!
Merry Christmas to everyone! Ha! By the way learn that my mum set up the christmas tree we bought last year! Hope she enjoying this coming festive season! Ciao!

06 November 2008

Santa Baby

Santa Baby hurry to the chimney tonight!
Finally! I get back to my online status. Super stupid telkom idiot! Need to spend thousand years to figure the fatal connection! Yeah! Another good news that im gonna spend my white Christmas Eve at Hokkaidooooo.... Whooopppiiieee! Christmas at Singapore! Abbiiieeeee!! Santarina is coming to town! Keke! Two good news in one day y'all! Clap clap! Jump Jump! Pinch Pinch! Oh! No dream at all! :))))))))
Back to my other blog that i owned! I realized i used to write soemthing very odd and funny again. This is what i have wrote since long long time ago..

" It takes four to play, two to clap, one to slap."
"All Right Reserved, All Wrong Preserved."
"Trespass Copycats restricted area, once spotted consider wrong, twice caught consider crime."

And i found them very catchy and origin.. LOL!
Anyway im too happy and started to play myseslf the christmas songs!! They cheer my incoming days~

29 October 2008

Thinking and thinking

I used to writing and rant whatever i like at my previous blog. And by the time i referred back all the words and they are sounded funny and the rythmn of the combination is pretty weird but i like it that way and best of all if no one understand them at all.
Yes if you asked me "Why do you choose to write online then?" If you gonna put your life on the cyber space of coz you intend to let people know bout what are you writing. " Of coz!" "Of coz!" But who are we to understand others while we are still trying to understand our own path and some may still having doubt on which path to die for? :P
And nowadays i realize Friendster's blog section have improved their tools and function. Easy application easy life. But now im stuck in between dreams and life. Hmm.. when everything is settled im gonna give you the story of what's the dreams that im trying to achieve. Though is nothing big, but it's a pain in my neck while thinking bout it? Hmmmpphh... Calming my angry soul!

23 October 2008


I watched the whole process of before, in the middle, and the after birth... The pain that kept the mum uneasy.. and she even puke twice before she gave birth and it's all normal... She gave birth two puppies and two hours later or so thethird one came out! Amazing! At first, i thought it's gonna be two pups. When i woke up the next morning, teeeheee there were three of them... And now their mum is weaving them.. How lovely! And this is a brand new experience for me! So lovely! And they are as small as new born kitten! Fragile and weak.. And now im waiting them to grow and i have pups to play with again!

Random Moment

26 September 2008

Moon River

Hmmphhhh... Indulging myself with all the downloaded pieces..

Danger! Danger! High Voltage! When we touch, when we kiss!

List of songs that filled up the Oxygen Space of mine

1. El Impacto- Daddy Yankee Feat Fergie
2. Danger! High Voltage- Electric Six
3. Never Met A Girl Like U Before- Edwyn Collins
4. Live Your Life- tI. feat Rihanna
5. Heaven Sent- Keisha Cole
6. Clap Back-Ja Rule Feat Jay Z Styles ( So OutDated)
7. If Looks Could Kill- Camera Obscura
8. When I Grow Up- PCD ( Dolls Domination :P)
9. Keeps Getting Better- Christina Aguilera ( So so... Anyway that's her new release song)

Britney's Womanizer coming out on the 26 Sept.. Stay tune and be the first to ear it!

16 September 2008


Long last! Im lazy to write same thing all over again and basically my span of life will be shorter and shorter as days blow by.. Eat-Sleep-Eat-Nap-Eat-Sleep. That's the basic living life of a turbulence past of me. Bleah! if anyone will die fisrt in this very minute it will be me! Argh!

Let's talk bout something before im dying of Bored-tox! Im doing Pilates since the last two weeks. That's because im tad bored that i decided to do something filling my watching the finger nails grow life. Ha! To my surprise they do sell those work out DVD here. Funny! U can get everything form Pilates, Yoga to Tai-chi! And hey even those dirty dance work out! *evil grin* that's when Pilates caught my eyes! Purchased and kick my Big S with those work out and miraculously it works cause the title of the DVD said Inch Loss Pilates Teeheee... Not that there is no finess center here. There is! Just that i cant communicate with them and they wont understand me so i dont wanna waste my time bout the talking in the air while everyone is scratching their skull off. Geddit?

My sis has a training at Oct/Nov at HK. Am so tempted and damn tempted to go! I wanna get some different air besides here!!
Currently blasting my ears with Faye Wong!!!!! I loved her before and now im still so in love with her songs! Do you think some day she will come out with a new album for good? I miss her voice duh!

Anyone know the movie -Jack the Bear- 1993 ( my sis kept on insisting that we watched together before but my memory doesn't said so.)

17 August 2008

Sudden Death of Enchanting

Olympics has been keeping my life schedule busy lately. Wonderful competition from wonderful souls around the world. This morning, i thought i might have my heart pumping a thousand hits per second when i thought Liu Xiang 110m men huddler former athens' champion will once again bring the glory to China.... Guess what?! Due to injury he quited after a foul start by one runner... For that very moment the enchanting victory from the crowd died with it. Sad! Sad!

On other hand, Michael Phelps... Bleah!! 14th gold for his Olympics Journey.. History in the making... You know his name will be written in the record for those who won the most gold throughout his/her participation in the Olympics Games that had been held. Amazing!

That's all to keep the blog alive before it's dead! Ciao....

24 July 2008

Shine on You crazy diamond

Shame on me. It's almost the end of july and i have done nothing bout the blog. Practically it's because of no glory me achieved in my july's life. But i have been putting more green at my house to save the global warming. As you know a little effort of each one in this planet will make so much different.
Just finished watching Al Gore's biography and what he did is always ahead of any leader. As much as i prefer Bill Clinton than that stupid beat around the Bush... Al Gore is actually the wise man of left and right of Bill Clinton! How inpressive! Unfortunately, his son doesn't take him as an example! Involved in drug, speeding along the road... Sigh!
Anyway change of plan! My trip to the Rising Sun will be on December... Im happy of it because i can dilute meself in the different christmas celebration at the different place! Cant wait!!!
Arcghhh.. Stomach cramp due to the zome of monthly discomfort!
Time ro cease the pain... ZZzzzzZZZ

30 June 2008

Less interested

Gawd! Procastination is always my worst nightmare... Who would have thought im still alive or what! Hmm.. as im getting older day by day, minute by minute, second by second, interest of the young age is getting tasteless and tasteless... Fruitless! Im lazy to explore my facebook account, im lazy to clean up my act ( do i have one?), im lazy to upload my pictures and lazy of this or that.. blablabla... SO LAZY!

Or maybe i am just distracted by something?

By this




The read is worth a big hearty laugh.... Dont believe? Give it a try!

10 June 2008

Jet Set

YuuHuuu.... disconeection of this week from here coz im going for a turbulence shopping for this crazy shopping season... To ease my pain of losing the so many sleepless night on the bed thinking what to get! Slurp Slurp! This lure oi a bad thing! So bad! Oh Gosh! I have dozen of things to get! Leaving tomorrow! Cant wait! cant wait! Til then more updates will be done when im back here!

News update:
-Jessica Alba and Tori Spelling both gave birth to baby girls
-Ashlee Simpson is pregnant though all the while Pete Wentz and Ash denied in the first place.
-John Woo's Stunt man reported dead after performing a fire scene stunt and was only 23.
Sad to hear that!
Last but not least! C. Ronaldo *drools*. Pepe! (Brazilian turned Portugese if im not wrong) Bravo! But Poor Italians our former World Cup Champion lost 3-0 to the Orange team! Last night i never finished Spain Vs Russia. The last result i know was 2-0 before i crash my bed... Okie i talk too much today! Wish me an enjoyable trip and get what i want!

05 June 2008

Old Skool

LOL! My gosh im getting freaking old! Despite of all the small things that i tend to forget bout it in three seconds, Color Me Badd suddenly popped out from my head!!!!! It's like last last century kinda song that now nobody listen to...Think it's was the song that i spend my youth on! Ggaga... 15 years back! Oh my god cant believe it!!!!

I think most of you wont have any idea bout it... Ha! Last time it's either rock & roll or those boy bands.. You know im the devil's that fall in between. Cant deny that some of they boy bands songs were nice back then. If only i kept on tune in to those rock & roll, and hey there goes the house lting flat on the earth.

The only song i like about it was The earth, the sun, the rain by Color Me Badd!! Not that bad though.... Time to nap... Not sleeping well since Pinky howled for the whole night.. For wat? Wait let me go and ask her... ZzzzzZZZZ

04 June 2008

Cold Play

Argh.. The urge of addiction of--Coldplay --suddenly is in the rush of my adrenaline. I always love the emo+depression+sorrow kind of voice. They made the sky turned grey and the world slow down... Yet i have another sad news which is kinda shocking to me that the Fatso died few days ago. Poor honey! R.I.P
More photos update soon when i come back from the other side of the world!

Tips of the day..To increase the rush of blood to your whole body which i mean is to own an cheeks as red as an apple drink this wolfberries + red dates boiling them til the dates is soften. to obtain good result, be a frequent drinker. By the way using Pear( Yellow and with freckles on the skin) , rock sugar, and red dates ( must slow cook for at least one and the half hour) can improve blood circulation too and good skin result. Dont ask! Yes! Drink frequently too!

P/S: My flop is back the other day... We found it right in front of the door... Weird! Logical thinking, must be the other puppy found it and bring back for me cause i love all of them so much! The unlogical thinking.... Nah! Dont even dare to tell me bout those creepy thing!

28 May 2008

Once Again

Arghh... Im this painful lazy ass that needs a kick to move like a cow... Gosh! Procrastination is also part of my job description. Actually i have tones of photos to upload just plain plain plain lazy to do so. Y am i like that? I wonder too...
On a brighter side.. the puppies are growing heathily.. The fat one grower fatter and the cute one grow as adorable as ever.. they charmed my heart. But i on my eruption mode the other day coz the fatso ass bit and hide away my right sided flip!! You know that flip flop is my companion of walking ages ago!! and the best part is now i have lost the flip and left flop alone for the rest of the life!
And now, whenever i saw that fatso i will forbid him to eat the food not until im due with him... GrrrrRRR.. Roar!! And just yesterday he went to disturb the pot that has a baby plant in it! What should i do? and what've i done?? If you wondering... Yes i hit him heard on the butt with my remaining flop! Stupid ass!

Next highlight news of the day

Jamie Lynn Spears is gonna pop her baby out soon... Ouchie by the way she is only 17.
Shania twain got divorced.
Jessica Alba is married to Cash Warren recently and she is gonna due soon with her big belly..

Last but not least... I read about how cucumber can used as whitening source for the skin of eat often plus it can help to moisture the skin too....

16 May 2008

Butt of the day

Ever wonder why everyone else have a better butt while some are almost dragging on the floor? I wonder too... I tries zillions of zillions ways to get into the tight one and i think this one is not as bad. All you have to do is pretty easy though

Actually you can do it anywhere and almost anytime. While you doin housework, while you having your bath, while you waiting for bus/train, while you working (wicked) in any standing position use one minute to hold your butt tight as in tight till you can feel the muscle is squeezing each others. Spare your one minute for every 30 minutes of it. And now a little effort will makes a different.
All hail to Rachael... Brilliant isn't it? :p
Yeah im gonna change my jukebox into something i love the most!
Till then!
p/s: A quickie for those who are lazy to maintain good skin while you are willing to pay up visit thisweb for own reference--- www.tlclifestyles.com

15 May 2008

Serve you right

Every personal blog serve their own purpose.. Some about their life, some about international gossips, some about nothing at all. So the last category goes to me blog. I just have nothing to talk about at all time.. Probably everyone has a blog and i wanted to be part of the social trend as well. Hey why be the last to catch up the trend right? Luckily im still on track or am i?
I have finally decided how my blog gonna serve it on the table. Im gonna turn this extremely dull thing into something better.. Yes im gonna talk about " What you eat is what you are". At least i have my reason to maintain this blog and not to let in rot. You can find all the food facts and nutri for your own information, nevertheless food and fruits that can change your skin into a better way.. plus how to maintain good weight. Not that i have a good shape or what.. Just to share the info so that you dont have to search here and there for extra info..
So starting from tomorrow then i shall be serving the fresh hotcake at the table near you... ;)

12 May 2008

Gain one , Lose One or can i have both?

He! What have i gained? Yeah a Dick! Credit goes to Rae... She gave me a dick yesterday and my having it now coz of her kindness! And now i have double my time to visits the toilet more than anyone else.. LOL! Anyway since yesterday she gave me that dick.. I started to grow facial hair on my chin.. And now i have to shave my chin, my underarms and my legs! More work to be done and again thanks to her! :D
Time to check my Jelly-O- Jelly..

09 May 2008


I dont know wat does my title stand.. Probably boredom makes you look stupid.. Alrgiht here comes another day!

Gosh my skin care almost dunzo.... Thought of changing to something else.. im not brand loyal person.. Only particular brands does stay at my heart! I heartsssss Topshop! :) I heartsssss Dior!! :) I heartsss Loewe!! :) I love Maxstudio!! Hehe

Time to ease my emptiness..... Hmmmphhhhhh

04 May 2008

Sunshy kiss, Sunsad Miss

Like the Mmmmooon Sparkle...lalallalalaalala... Ha! Yeap non other than the Escada theme song for the perfume and it's sung by the three models that appeared in the ad... The opening it's kinda like those video games that we used to play back then... Cute and soothing though! A good song when you are in a bad shape perhaps.

As for the second track, Confusion from the " Blade" soundtrack where this was played during the underground club and killing happened right there... Osh.... i like that scene! Handsomely done! Perfectly fit!

Now i have more movie to watch! Gonna spot the nice Eh music!

02 May 2008

Good Morning, sunshy kiss

Funny things struck me mind when i was half way to the stardom of being a bathroom singer.
Ahemm.... Ok back to the point! There was THIS women, married women i mean *whispering* but she always insisted on telling other ppl to be particular MEN that she is still a GIRL if u get wat i mean.. o.O
Hey married women if you are reading my thing now and the description matched your identity, ya it's you... Spell your name you EVIL!
Once ever told that befriend only with those rich and famous.. See maybe she got the point! Coz im once a very poor soul that i have to wait til every Wednesday of the week to get in a club so that im waived with any charges including the liquid that flows for free all night long! How funny and sacarstic that i ended up poorer and unfamous! Tell me y? How bad is her theory and how bad is her taste of idea..
Anyway i never bothered bout those rich and famous idea, coz my idea is much more brutal and realistic thea her.. The drink in the glass is, the rhythem floating in the thin air is ALWAYS that matters to me. Money drools every fool, not everyone.
Im venting it just out if thought and my last breath... *Scoffs* All right! Im have to deal with my empty stomach now.. Adios!
P/S: A rich man always needed a constant tragedy to remind how he was once a poor man

29 April 2008

Happy Burpday to Moi

Fatso and Puffy kissing each other.. Gosh! They are gay

One of the favourite... He is so puffy!

He's got that coolio look.. Nope he is just staring at the cam not me....
Though today is my B'day but something special for this time... So special that im sitting here typing like an ordinary day... WAT SO SPECIAL! *yawn*
P/S: Almost forget the pups doesn't belong to me... They always wandering around the house and entertained me so much that i decided to take them as my God Pups... Yeah i managed to take three of them only coz the other two were on their way coming when my cam ran out of batt... Their mummy's name ==== PINKY!!! I never see any pink side of her by the way....



27 April 2008

Heartily Bloom

This will be the starting point.. Isn't he cuteeeeewwww!!!! Not to forget that he owned a wavy fur!! Teehhhee you can never imagne how cuddly he is... Fluffy!

Grrrr.. supposingly more photo but... This stone age connection making me pissing like i never pee for so long! Damn pisss!! Oh by the way there are five pups surrounding me now.... Too bad this morning i heard a loud cried... One of the pup got knock down high... O.o
Hope he is fine now.... Wait! My time to assassinate the one who knock him down...

22 April 2008

Four minutes to save the world

We only got four minutes to save world... Y four not three?? or Five? That's one the recent new pop from Maddie Feat Justin. And the other song that trapped my soul for at least an hour was Usher.... Love in the club. Typical R&B i thought.. But the rhyme is very catchy. Ewww.... i dont have any noce story to tell today...
Gonna go make ice-cream as in the ice cream that can be eat by human... Not the other way round!

20 April 2008


Woot! Im alive!! I had survived the trip to The Jungle full of human eater... Anyway i manage to taste most of the delicious yummy food out there! Morning call for breakfast! Maybe shorter post coming out soon....

13 April 2008

Back to basic

Yeah... Im gonna *puff* from the surface of this wired world for a while.. Back to basic! You know to the jingle jungle that you cant even find a single telephone booth..For a few days y'all know.. If somehow no updates in one months time means i am already a meal for those Mountain Freaks. Uhhh~~~ scary!

Shit im gonna feed myself a luxury breakfast before im dying without a proper meal... Hungry time!

10 April 2008


Who would have thought
That you could hurt me
The way you've done it?
So deliberate, so determined

And since you have been gone
I bite my nails for days and hours
And question my own questions on and on

So tell me now, tell me no
Why you're so far away
When I'm still so close

You don't even know the meaning of the words “I'm sorry”
You said you would love me until you die
And as far as I know you're still alive, baby
You don't even know the meaning of the words “I'm sorry”
I'm starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart

I tried so hard to be attentive
To all you wanted
Always supportive, always patient
What did I do wrong?I'm wondering for days and hours

Anyhow, anyhow
I wish you both all the best
I hope you get along

But you don't even know the meaning of the words “I'm sorry”
You said you would love me until you die
And as far as I know you're still alive, baby
You don't even know the meaning of the words “I'm sorry”
I'm starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart

You don't even know the meaning of the words “I'm sorry”
You said you would love me until you die
And as far as I know you're still alive, baby
You don't even know the meaning of the words “I'm sorry”
I'm starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart

Open heart
Open heart
It should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart
It's here, it isn't here where you belong

Hmmm... Utterly and almost perfect for some situation.. Illegal to deceive someone's heart... Have u been deceiving or deceived? Anyway whoever reading here never been deceived or deceiving? Guess we know the best of ourselves...
Awww... I fall in love wiht this super sorrow and sad song...

Hit for the rest of the day--- Illegal
Wanna know the singer ha! Holler me... LOL!

07 April 2008

Sheet Hole

Knew that someday gonna trap at those stupid and boring sacrificial issue.. What have i not sacrifice? My Job, my used to be beautiful life out there to venture into this only Mr Bored knows why place. Should have told them straight to the face that i already have something stupid enough and im not gonna change it to something more stupid than that! Phew..Wat a PISS!!!
Never mind bout it... Im gonna stand firm and nothing is gonna change the piece of shit in my head!
Hot ! Ewww... Hitting the boiling point of mine! Disgusting creature!

Wait for the Happy updates soon...

03 April 2008

Too little too late

Damn! Have been repeating the same song for the whole day... Should i say whole week? That's the habit talking.
Kakkkakakakaka... That is this one day that i decided to make some fried ice cream to serve the family four. Thefri ice cream is actually not a hard task but th wapping part. Argh.. too bad they were all in the flushed away from the hoe toilet.. or else im gonna take some photos and showed it. From there you can tell how hard the ice creams wrapped with bread were! But my poor in laws thought i had finished doing it and started to chew the "OH-SO-HARD" ice cream! Gosh i really pity them!
I found out the other day coz thought of frying them due to the heating day. Opened the fridge: " Oppies Dassie!" Who punked my unfinish work of ice creams! From there i got to know hey thought is done and actually it;s tasted ok coz it's not so sweet to eat like that... "Poooo.. Ibursted into tears ( Of coz not i front of them) Later on my hus asked "em.. Aint that very hard to chew and bite? Their answer were--- Ya i't's hard! But you see it's hot outsie..... LOL! I fel sorry now that every time i see ice cream and breads *giggle*.....
They are just so funny....
Yahooo... Im going to visit the Land of the Rising Sin.. And of coz get what im supposed to get after all the sense of longing had shattered pieces and pieces inside my head... not forget pay a lil visit to my darlings there... Phew...

"Im not the women you love coz you wont let me wait even for a sec."
" Im not the women you love coz you tell me all your secrets."
"Im not the women you love but the mate to share your burden."

01 April 2008

Just To tell

Okay after few tries....
Taddaaaaa.... my icons all has been changed to English.. Hmm... guess im the slow pace animal.
Oh by the way y my brother aint in the potrait of family?? Coz he so wanted to come that he over slept.. hey just kidding.... He was busying with his seriously important exam...

Save some of my thoughts for the next coming episods... Ciao!!

Sunny day

Due to hot weather caused laziness in my bone... The lukewarm attitude is here! Now let me post some leftovers while i had editted through out this morning ( editting as in cropping only...hehehe that one costed me a morning, am i stupid or wat) Okay less talk more work..

For my own pleasure..... Wil be back

27 March 2008

Vainbow on the loose

Another cheers in my life... Finally after tonnes of tonnes blogs that i have created i decided to stay and be obedient to this. Hopefully the everything goes well so that i wouldn't get bored of it. Phew been squuezing my pea brain to get the name and everything. Here borned the "Vainbow". Actually suppose to be "Rainbow" since it's playing hard to get so Vain cut her queue. As for the title appear... Gosh it's will be too long for myself to even remember it! The shorter the better.

It's been months i lost touched with the working society. Here comes the Missy Bored knocking at my heart shaped door. Aww... but i was busying preparing to walking into the other stage of my life with the one i care and the one he loves.. As what i always believe, a beginning of every rainbow is the end of every sweet misery. You know sweet misery is always the difficult one... eefing sweet yet miserable. Ain't right? Okay forget bout the half sweet half bitter symphony... Just want to keep myself fully entertain...

Okay just to cure the hunger for the time being...More to come upon request... :P

P/S: I have no the freaking idea why my icon appeared to be in Malay... probably im in the muslim country... *Fainted*